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Botox Cosmetic is a popular anti-aging injectable available from Dr. Andrew’s practice in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It is very similar to Xeomin and Dysport.


The active ingredient in all three formulas is botulinum toxin, which softens muscles to smooth overlying skin. 

Botox is FDA approved for the treatment of: 


  • Lines around the eyes (crow’s feet)

  • Lines between the brows (frown lines, 11’s)

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)




Are you seeing frown lines when you look in the mirror? This is one of the first signs of aging, and it is bothersome for many people. Fortunately, a simple injectable treatment can improve or eliminate these lines. Botox smooths the skin by relaxing underlying muscles.





Hyperhidrosis is a common condition that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Over the counter antiperspirant products may not be strong enough for many people. Additionally, these products are impracticable or impossible for areas other than the underarms. Botox injections can control overactive sweat glands in the armpits, palms of the hands, and anywhere else that heavy perspiration is a problem.




Botox is a comfortable, straightforward procedure that can be completed in a single office visit.


  • You can resume normal daily activities immediately, with no down time.

  • Results usually develop within a week. You can begin seeing improvement as soon as three days after treatment.

  • Improvement lasts from three to four months, or more.

  • With regularly scheduled touch up treatments, you can extend the benefits of Botox for as long as you wish.

  • Hyperhidrosis treatment may be covered by some insurance plans.

  • Botox cosmetic may be used alone, or as an adjunct to other anti-aging treatments such as dermal fillers.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Andrew to find out if you’re a good candidate for Botox.

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